1. PHP
brew install php
php -v
PHP 8.2.12 (cli) (built: Oct 26 2023 18:20:46) (NTS)
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.2.12, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v8.2.12, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies
2. Apache
2.1. 方法1
sudo vim /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
#PHP was deprecated in macOS 11 and removed from macOS 12
LoadModule php_module /opt/homebrew/opt/php@8.2/lib/httpd/modules/libphp.so "V2beachRootCA"
需要加一行,加载php相关动态库。之后sudo apachectl restart即可。
2.2. 方法2
<IfModule dir_module>
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
<FilesMatch .php$>
SetHandler application/x-httpd-php
2.3. 方法3
首先创建一个CA,一定要选择Code Signing。
(base) v2beach@V2beachs-mbp-m1 code % codesign --sign "V2beachRootCA" --force --keychain ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain-db /opt/homebrew/opt/php@8.2/lib/httpd/modules/libphp.so
/opt/homebrew/opt/php@8.2/lib/httpd/modules/libphp.so: replacing existing signature
(base) v2beach@V2beachs-mbp-m1 Documents % apachectl -config
[Sun Nov 05 00:48:25.448876 2023] [so:notice] [pid 77976] AH06662: Allowing module loading process to continue for module at /opt/homebrew/opt/php@8.2/lib/httpd/modules/libphp.so because module signature matches authority "V2beachRootCA" specified in LoadModule directive
AH00526: Syntax error on line 1 of -c/-C directives:
Invalid command 'onfig', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
(base) v2beach@V2beachs-mbp-m1 Documents % httpd -t
[Sun Nov 05 00:50:43.949190 2023] [so:notice] [pid 78112] AH06662: Allowing module loading process to continue for module at /opt/homebrew/opt/php@8.2/lib/httpd/modules/libphp.so because module signature matches authority "V2beachRootCA" specified in LoadModule directive
AH00558: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using V2beachs-mbp-m1.local. Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
Syntax OK
改写了PHP音乐接口https://github.com/V2beach/meting-vercel 。还挺有趣的。