Prio, priority线权

lmao off, why not out 两个prep区别

ks, kill steal, K头居然神奇地在中英文里对应上了

sadge = sad + cringe

CS stands for Creep Score. Creeps are the minions and monsters that you can kill for gold and experience throughout the game.


If a champion snowballs, it means the more kills they get the more likely it is for them to win.

Think of it like a snowball (lol) rolling down a snowy hill. It gets bigger and bigger until it can't be stopped :p

x9 = report this guy 9 times (there are 10 total people in the game, 9 excluding yourself.)

List = int lists, next time you are with him if he recognises you he will int your game

Lineup, Comp(composition)阵容,



Proxy断线,这个表达有意思Proxy is when you farm behind enemy turret, preventing his minions from protecting his turret from your minions.

Camp. A spawn location of a jungle monster or monsters.

MMR Matchmaking Rating隐藏分

nemesis 克星约等于 counter? natural predator天敌?

It is what it is: used to say that a situation cannot be changed and must be accepted.

tilt直译倾斜, tilting is essentially performing worse in-game because of frustration. "I'm tilted"

GTG, got to go

Bouncing the wave refers to letting the turret kill off some of your minions before you take it, this causes the wave to push back toward you making it very dangerous for your enemy to farm it. This is an effective way of denying your enemy farm, however it also allows your enemy to roam without being punished so you have to know when to use this tactic or else you can get punished.

Freezing lane = last hit

Shoving, generally shoving involves pushing a lane as hard as you can

Zoning: this is when you play very aggressive against your lane opponents and force them away from your minions, denying them farm. the more areas that your champion could be, the larger your champions "zone" is.

Resetting Lane: This is when your minions have fallen and the enemy's remain, you kill the entire enemy wave before your (and their) next waves arrive. The next waves have full health and are on even footing, thus the lane has been reset.

COPIUM??? = cope + opium???

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