
manifest这个词 = mani-手 + fest-(handle处理),有很多意思——https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/manifest manifest MW

这个词意思很多,平常很常见,用刚学的词根vers-(turn)的一个词来形容就是it's a versatile word(跟ChatGPT学的用法)


  • scend-, scens-, scent-: climb

    • ascend = a- + scend-爬 = 上升
      • a-表示1.在...的;2.非not;3.加强
        • aback朝后地
        • abacterial非细菌的
        • abed在床上地
        • aboard在船上火车上飞机上的
        • abroad超宽 = 离家 = 出国的;出国地
        • aboil沸腾的
        • afloat漂浮的
        • afoot徒步的
    • descend = de-向下;离开 + scend-爬 = 下降
    • transcend = 横过 + 爬 = 超过(下面有跟distinctive的比较)
    • ascent(n.), ascensive(a.)
    • descent(n.), descendant是后代后裔;下降的
      • 后裔就是这个单词,直系后裔direct descendant!不是offspring子女 secret secrete,见下,cret-, cern-, cert-, crimin-: separate
  • discrete discreet

    • discrete = dis-分散 + cret-区分(sure, separate) = 离散的
      • certain
      • certify证明(词根直球动词),certificate证书
      • certitude确实性
      • concern = con-强调 + 区分 = 只看自己那部分(关心)
      • concert, concerted联合的
      • decretive法令的
      • discern = dis-分开 + cret-区分 = 分散开 = 区分(但是跟下面scret和screte引申前都一样)
        • vs. tell vs. distinguish(stinct昨天刚学的词根prick)区别很小,discern更强调仔细的观察洞悉
          • In summary, while all three verbs involve recognizing differences or distinctions, "discern" emphasizes careful observation or insight, "tell" implies a more straightforward recognition, and "distinguish" emphasizes the intentional identification and understanding of differences.
      • discrete
      • discriminate歧视;偏袒
      • excrete排泄
      • secret = se-分开 + cret-区分 = 秘密,secretary
      • secrete同上,但就变成了隐藏;分泌
    • discreet = dis-分散 + creet-清楚 = 分别搞清楚 = 小心谨慎的
      • vs. prudent很神奇 = pr-pro-前面 + ud(vid-看) = 小心的,因为下面的解释更应该翻译成审时度势的
        • In summary, while both "discreet" and "prudent" involve careful behavior, "discreet" focuses more on being cautious and tactful in interpersonal interactions or handling confidential matters, while "prudent" emphasizes making wise and sensible decisions based on careful consideration of potential outcomes and consequences.
  • vis-, vid-看

    • 上面的prudent
    • provise是准备(提前看)"Provise" is not a standard English word. It appears to be a rare or archaic term, and it doesn't have a widely accepted definition in modern English. It's possible that it may be a misspelling or a less common variant of another word.不能用的词,用还是用prepare
    • improvise即兴创作vt.(不准备)
  • grav-, griev-重heavy比较好的词

    • gravity = gravitation,agravic失重的
    • grieve使悲伤直球动词,grief伤心
    • aggrieve使悲痛;侵害
    • 最好的词,aggravate使严重,使恶化 = ag-朝向去/强调 + grav-重 = 加重,这个意思只有这个词最符合,没有其他词
    • grave墓地,graveyard墓地,graveward朝着墓地
    • engrave雕刻,grave本身就有v.雕刻的意思,还有a.庄严的,因此graving是雕刻品,graver是雕刻师
  • press-, prim-: press

    • express
    • depress
    • suppress镇压
    • impress使钦佩
    • oppress压迫
    • compress
    • prim只有imprimatur出版许可和reprimand谴责
      • condemn vs. criticize vs. reprimand vs. accuse
      • condemn强烈道德谴责,criticize找错误,reprimand是正式的比如上司对下属的批评,accuse是charge指控
      • In summary, while all four verbs involve expressing disapproval or blame, "condemn" implies strong moral judgment, "criticize" involves evaluating or finding fault with specific qualities or actions, "reprimand" entails formal or authoritative disapproval, and "accuse" involves charging someone with wrongdoing or asserting their responsibility for a particular offense.
  • ponder沉思考虑,pond-: weight

    • ponderance重量重要
    • preponderance优势多数
    • equiponderance平衡等量
    • expenditure
  • regime,reg-: rule规则规矩

    • regiment团;大批
    • regimentation系统化

subterranean vs. underground前者正式(地理科学)后者口头

In everyday language, these terms are often used interchangeably, but "subterranean" may carry a slightly more technical or formal connotation compared to "underground." Both terms essentially refer to things beneath the surface of the Earth, but "subterranean" might be used when referring to geological or scientific contexts, while "underground" is more commonly used in general descriptions or everyday speech.

  • terrace vs. terrane vs. terrain,露天阳台/梯田 vs. 岩层 vs. 地形地势(后俩读音一样)
    • terrestrial地球上的

formalize vs. formulate,一个是形式化,一个是创立,我老会想成format,format同时是格式化verb和格式noun。

In summary, "formalize" is about giving something an official or structured status, while "formulate" is about creating or developing something, such as a plan, idea, or theory, through careful thought and consideration.

  • prestige = pre-前 + stige这个很难联想到(strain-, strict, string, stress- = tighten拉紧) = 声望n.;受尊重的a.
    • vs. reputation
      • In summary, while both prestige and reputation involve how others perceive and evaluate someone or something, prestige emphasizes the level of respect or esteem accorded to it based on factors like achievement or excellence, whereas reputation focuses on the opinions or beliefs that others hold about it based on past actions or qualities. Prestige is often associated with a higher level of admiration or acclaim, whereas reputation encompasses a broader range of perceptions, including both positive and negative ones.
    • vs. respectful
      • In summary, while both prestige and being respectful involve interactions with others, prestige focuses on the level of admiration or esteem that someone or something receives based on achievements or status, while being respectful pertains to the manner in which one treats others with consideration and courtesy. Prestige is about status and influence, whereas being respectful is about interpersonal behavior and attitudes.

portent死活记不住 vs. precursor vs. omen

While all three terms deal with signs or indications of future events, "portent" often carries a sense of significance or ominousness, "precursor" implies a causal relationship or early indication, and "omen" typically carries a superstitious or mystical connotation.

dispense distribute?

While both terms involve giving out or sharing something, "dispense" often implies a controlled or regulated distribution, whereas "distribute" suggests spreading something out or making it available to a wider audience or across various locations.

dis-分;散 + pens-称量 = 分发;提供supply?

alleyway vs. passage

While both terms refer to narrow pathways, "alleyway" is more commonly associated with urban environments and may have a connotation of being confined or less well-lit受限制或光线较暗, whereas "passage" is a more general term that can refer to any narrow route or corridor走廊 for passage or movement.

dictation dictator

portion potion才是药水

constrain和constrict restrict



construction vs. structure 建筑工地construction site

In the context of buildings and engineering, "construction" refers to the process of building something, while "structure" refers to the arrangement and organization of elements within a building or any other constructed object. So, construction is the act of physically assembling the parts, while structure refers to the overall form and stability of the finished product.

precede vs. before vs. infront of

"Precede" typically means to come before something in time or order. "Before" can refer to both time and position, meaning earlier in time or in front of something spatially. "In front of" specifically refers to the position ahead of something else, usually in space.

explicit vs. distinct

"Explicit" means something that is clearly stated or expressed, leaving no room for doubt or confusion. "Distinct" refers to something that is clearly separate and different from something else. While they both imply clarity, "explicit" relates more to communication or expression, whereas "distinct" pertains to the separateness or uniqueness of something.

lowercase vs. minuscule

"Lowercase" and "minuscule" both refer to the smaller form of letters in the alphabet, as opposed to uppercase or majuscule letters. "Lowercase" is more commonly used in general contexts, while "minuscule" tends to be more formal or technical.

compensation vs. subsidy

"Compensation" refers to payment or remuneration provided to someone for loss, injury, or work done. It can also refer to the act of balancing or offsetting something. "Subsidy," on the other hand, is a specific type of financial assistance or support given by the government or other organizations to individuals or businesses to encourage certain activities or industries, typically to offset costs or promote growth. While both involve financial assistance, compensation is usually tied to a specific loss or service rendered, whereas subsidies are more broadly aimed at supporting particular sectors or activities.

transcendent vs. distinctive

"Transcendent" refers to something that surpasses or goes beyond ordinary limits, particularly in a spiritual or philosophical sense. It suggests something that is elevated or superior to the usual or common.
"Distinctive," on the other hand, refers to something that is unique or characteristic, making it easily recognizable or different from others. It emphasizes the qualities or features that set something apart from others in its category.
In summary, while both terms suggest uniqueness, "transcendent" implies surpassing ordinary limits or being of higher significance, whereas "distinctive" emphasizes notable characteristics or features that differentiate something from others.

concentrated vs. centralized vs. intensive

While all three terms involve a degree of concentration or focus, "concentrated" emphasizes density or focus within a limited space or area, "centralized" refers to the concentration of control or authority at a central point, and "intensive" highlights the thoroughness, effort, or impact of a particular activity or process.

dictate vs. command

While both terms involve giving orders or instructions, "dictate" often implies a more authoritarian or unilateral approach, while "command" can carry a sense of leadership, authority, or mastery.

extensive vs. broad

While both terms convey the idea of covering a wide range or scope, "extensive" often implies a thorough or comprehensive approach, while "broad" can simply refer to a wide variety or range without necessarily implying depth or detail.


deference vs. respect

While both concepts involve admiration or regard for others, "deference" specifically involves yielding to someone else's authority or judgment, while "respect" is a broader term that encompasses admiration, honor, and consideration for someone's worth or dignity.

counterpart vs. copy

While both terms involve similarity or resemblance, "counterpart" emphasizes equivalence or correspondence in function or role, whereas "copy" refers to a reproduction or duplicate of something, often without implying equivalence in function or role.

residue vs. remainder

While both terms refer to what's left over, "residue" often suggests a trace or remnants after a process, while "remainder" refers more broadly to what remains after a division, subtraction, or removal.

pretension vs. affectation vs. affection

While all three terms relate to human behavior, "pretension" and "affectation" involve insincerity or artificiality, with a negative connotation, whereas "affection" refers to genuine feelings of fondness or love, with a positive connotation.

proportion vs. portion vs. ratio vs. partial vs. part

While all of these terms relate to the division or comparison of quantities, "proportion" focuses on the relationship between parts or to the whole, "portion" refers to a share or segment of a whole, "ratio" compares quantities relative to each other, "partial" indicates something incomplete, and "part" denotes a component or division of a whole.

strain vs. pressure

While both strain and pressure involve forces acting on objects, strain relates to the deformation or change in shape of the object itself, while pressure relates to the force exerted by a fluid on the surface of an object or within a container.

indicate vs. implicate vs. imply

While all three terms involve suggesting or conveying meaning, "indicate" is direct and explicit, "implicate" suggests involvement or responsibility, often without explicit confirmation, and "imply" suggests or hints at something indirectly through context or inference.

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